Saturday, February 16, 2008

Going Bananas at Work

For a little fun during the long haul of the school year our Social Committee hosted a banana split party. The main event was a very fun contest!

Select a banana get a partner and decorate your banana. The whole staff voted on these amazing creations. It was fun to see how creative our staff is and how special our Banana Wednesday felt.

What do you do to keep life fresh at work? or within your family?

Mermaid- Created by me
A bedazzled Purse
The Zombie Banana
A Tropical Banana (this one even had tropical music)
The Trucker Banana
One cute puppy
Hannah Banana Montana and Frankenstein
Bike Banana
Heff n' the Girls (all banana's were kept in the teachers lounge out of student eyes)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are hilarous!