Friday, December 7, 2007

NFR 2007

Possibly a little known fact about me, I love rodeo! This is the 5th year I have had the pleasure of going to a night at the National Finals Rodeo. I have gone alone the last 3 years and don't mind at all. It is so much fun seeing the pre-concert , and the sponsors games and activities, and food. I was excited to a see a corn stand this year, I LOVE FAIR CORN!!!!! This year I was lucky enough to go to Opening night (thank you wonderful hubby!) The energy was great. I was so excited that I was able to bring my camera in since it is an SLR I was worried they would call it a pro camera. As I took some great pictures from my nose bleed seats I giggled with glee wondering if they would have let my camera in if they realized how freaking cool my lens is!!!!! Have I mentioned in the last 5 minutes that I love my camera and taking pictures again.

Rodney Atkins and his band

Bareback Riding- Ryan Gray
Steer Wrestling

Team Roping
Saddle Bronc

Tie Down Roping
Barrel Racing- I think these two guys were related or fans of this particular rider they were very excited for her.

Bull Riding- This bull not only wanted to get rid of the rider but was going for the double bonus of taking out the two cowboys working the shoots.
Bull riding- Riders 0 Bulls 6

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok I know how far away you actually were and your camera is great! These pictures are amazing.