The back story
We had G week in my classroom this week, so last night I decided I should take my guitar in so the kids could see it. Well since I have been playing for less then a year I don't have a big repertoire so my husband asked "what are you going to play?" I replied "I don't know I guess I will just strum." So my wonderful husband pulled out one of his music books and taught me a song last night then I made pictures and grabbed a prop so it would be really cool for the kids. This morning I woke up and tried to remember the words my mind came back BLANK! I went in grabbed my guitar and it just came to me. Much to my husbands amusement and pride (he is my teacher) I was in their rehearsing the whole thing with my kids including my intro how I would redirect behavior while still strumming EVERYTHING was rehearsed this morning. When I got to school everything went great and the kids loved singing "Akin Drum" and participated to the best of their ability, the afternoon class even asked for me to play more. Yikes kids I only know this song from memory so I played it again at the end of the day. I have played one other time for my class in September but I rehearsed a lot and made many mistakes this time it was more fun and relaxed, I am so happy that my lessons and daily (almost) practices are paying off! It was really exciting to have the skills now to put something together and PLAY!
The Solution
Okay back to the photo of the day I forgot to take a picture so when I got home I asked my hubby to take a good picture, he was struggling so I told him to get artsy here are a few of his shots. I think he did GREAT!!!
One of his first shots
Fun angle
He went into manual mode and with direction was playing with the depth of field
A little play with a slow aperture here ( I told you he got artsy and was having some fun.)
Just a fun shot
A slow shutter speed. He was trying to catch the movement in the strings.
A note about the pictures they were taken in our music room in the background the beautiful quilt you see was a wedding gift from my wonderfully talented friend Gwen.
Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm enjoying seeing everyone else's photos too. I haven't had a chance to go through the list yet, but I'm trying to at least visit those who stopped by my corner! I hope you have fun taking all the photos this year. I'm having a blast looking a little differently at the every day things!
I hope to see more of yours! Have a wonderful weekend!
thanks for visiting my blog!
I think the photo of the end of the guitar (sorry I don't know my guitar parts) is my favorite!
I'm having soo much fun documenting daily photos!
Very neat. Do you get lots of private lessons? Hmmmm? Way to go Luann...
Great pictures! Fun blog! I can't wait to see more throughout the year.
Awww...that is so sweet! I am so not musically inclined so I admire you for being able to learn a song in one day.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting.
Great photos!!! You are a lucky girl to have a man like that! Good Luck for taking a photo everyday! Have a nice weekend!
I bet your students truly enjoyed your talent. Do you teach preschool? Right now I am doing in-home childcare and having a great time. Love your husband's photos. Keep up the good work.
Great pictures and congratulations on making pictures of you a part of project 365!
My personal favorite is the 3rd photo, something about the angle works really well.
Can't wait to see how your project goes. Its very heartwarming to really think about taking a picture a day. I'm finding I'm looking for more chances to take them now.
Boy, he's does great work!
We need someone to practice the Sax with DS, is he ready for a road trip? Steelers fans are always welcome here!
Lynn L.
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